My name is Wayne, born in the UK in 1976 moved to Australia in 1994.
My passion with photography started when I was very young, I was fascinated by the family album. I used to sit there for hours just looking and try to imagine what it was to be in that moment in time.
Photography for me is an incredibly powerful "Tool" that allows you to freeze time, capture a split second in life, and re-live it years later.
I didn't really start taking "photographs" until around 1999 when I started to think about all the components that makes a photograph.
I love to be out doors exploring the nature around us and thats another big part of why I enjoy photography. The world is getting faster and faster and I think we miss alot of whats really important, everybody including myself are in too much of a rush, and photography helps me to slow down and See.
"Time is the most valuable currency people have to spend" (not sure where I read this but its stuck with me).
I love this nightime view Wayne. The city looks very alluring, just begs you to explore.